Monday, April 30, 2012

Dear Livy Rose..

I made this blog for you as soon as we discovered your gender, a beautiful baby girl, obviously. ;) I'm your biggest big sister, Katie..or as your little big brother calls me, "Yadie"
I worked for a long time teaching him to say that & there is no doubt in my mind that I will have to teach you the same thing! Which will be fun. As I'm writing this, using my IPod, your happily asleep in my arms outside on one gorgeous April day! Anyways,I'm going to write letters to you that will give you advice & tell you, your baby story. One of my amazing friends, Alyssa Goodhue discovered today that she's going to have a baby brother, Oliver which by the way we are planning to be your future husband -wink wink- or so us best friends plan it to be..I can see it now..Oliver & Olivia Goodhue ;) Hahaha!

I might mention that it's 2012! And that you have 8 big brothers & 5 big sisters! :)

I don't have any time left but I'm going to continue to write letters to you my precious Olivia Rose! <3

Your Big Sister,
